Monday, May 4, 2009


hi this is a interactive adventure game

Sunday, May 3, 2009

getting started

if you want to play


sign up!

all you have to do is post your user name in the "post a comment" under this post!
and read #1!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


You are in an building.

if you want to leave the building, go to #2

Friday, May 1, 2009


You walk outside and look around. On the door you came out of there is a sign that says "Your House". The walls are all shiny metal. In front of you there are three port holes. One is blue. One is orange, and one is green.

If you want to go through the blue port hole, go to #3.

If you want to go through the orange port hole, go to #4.

If you want to go through the green port hole, go to #5.

If you want to go back inside your house, go to #1


You have zoomed through the blue port. It feels like you got really big and then really tiny and then normal sized again. You see ferns. You hear a roar in the distance. You turn around. There is no port hole anywhere in sight.

If you want to go forward, go to #6.

If you want to go backward, go to #6.

If you want to go left, go to #6.

If you want to go right, go to #6.


You flash through the orange port hole. It feels like you're going about 6000 miles an hour. You appear in a hallway with lots of doors. Suddenly a fire alarm goes off. People start screaming and running down the hallway in a mad scrabble for the exit, which is behind you. You smell smoke. You see an orange flash about fifty feet in front of you. You look around. There's no porthole in sight.

If you want to go forward, go to #7.

If you want to go into a door, go to #8.

If you want to run screaming with the crowd, go to #9.


You have smashed through the green port hole. You feel like you're running through paper walls at 600 miles per hour. You're in a giant space station. Huge TV screens are flashing bright lights at you, saying "Buy Fruity Tooty Smoothies at Intergalactic Space Station Number 2425". There is a counter that says "Buy Fruity Tooty Smoothies HERE!".

If you want to buy Fruity Tooty Smoothies, go to #10.

If you want to yell out to the world "What on Earth is Fruity Tooty Smoothies", go to #11.

If you want to run screaming in an agony of confusion through the space station, smashing everything in your way, go to #12.


you walk the roar gets louder you get you get lost

If you want to wander around, go to #13.

If you want to yell "help!!", go to #14.